Wednesday 23 February 2011

Well Hello

Hello, I thought I should maybe start with a little bit of an intro about me and why I set up this blog but to be honest I just want to get some pictures on and get cracking. If there is anything you would like to know about me please don’t hesitate to ask.
Project Dye
A while back in the sales I picked up some KG shoes. I am only a size 3 so usually do pretty well. Anyway I really loved these shoes but when the lady brought me both shoes (feet) to try on they were totally different colours.
I was gutted but thought I could have a go a dying them!  I was expecting to pay the £30.00 that they were priced at but I was delighted when I was told they were just £9.00 my 2 friend who thought I was completely nuts for even thinking about wasting my time with them were ever so jealous. Original price was £95.00.

What do you think?? I really wish I had taken some before picture so you could see the difference.

Not bad £9.00 for the shoes & £5.00 for the dye.

If you are thinking of doing some home dying you can only go darker and be sure you are happy with the colour as there is no going back.


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