Monday 28 February 2011

I want it all & I want it now !!!

Firstly am sorry about the lack of posts I have made. As I mentioned I went out on Friday night and Saturday was a complete NIGHTMARE for me.  

This was due to me getting in lost in Leeds for 2 hours. The less said about this the better!
Anyway Sunday I went back into Leeds but I was shopping this time with my lovely boyfriend who took great pleasure in explaining to me where I had gone wrong.

There were so many things that caught my eye. Here are a couple of things that I have on my wish list and would love love love… bright and cheerful

I love the trousers both are from Zara - They are called Skinny Studio Trousers. They come in 4 different colours Orange, Blue, Pink and Green.
Priced at £35.99 which I think is a complete bargin.

I think these shoes are great I totally love the colour. They are called Glacier Mustard Suede Bow Front Pointed Court Shoes from Topshop. Price £60.00

Thursday 24 February 2011

Out with the New ...In with the Old???

I am going out tomorrow with my friends so of course I am left thinking the usual…. what am I going to wear…… how is the weather looking and so on.
Anyways while going through my usual thought process and my wardrobe it quickly came to my attention just how many second hand/charity shop/ebay goodies I have. I have 5 pairs of boots alone and I had a clear out not so long back so I am sure there was more.
Both myself and my sister, Bobby share a love for recycling. I love that feeling when you find a little gem hidden in amongst piles of bobbly old jumpers. If you look hard enough there is usually something lovely just waiting to be found and loved once more.   
I always wonder……what life did this item have before me? Who walked in these shoes?
In fact Bobby (my sister) called my today to ask “if you saw something that was second hand and was totally unique but a bit pricey would you buy it?”  
She was shopping in Harrogate  and had come across a little green jacket from a second hand boutique. My answer was simply “Yes” Followed by why I would buy it. This is mainly because I can talk for England but also because I like to justify my purchases. “You are getting a piece of history which has stood the test of time and still looks great today, so will most definitely be an investment.
If you are trying to save money I am really not a good person to go shopping with!!!
My boots taken inside my grandad's old suit case.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Well Hello

Hello, I thought I should maybe start with a little bit of an intro about me and why I set up this blog but to be honest I just want to get some pictures on and get cracking. If there is anything you would like to know about me please don’t hesitate to ask.
Project Dye
A while back in the sales I picked up some KG shoes. I am only a size 3 so usually do pretty well. Anyway I really loved these shoes but when the lady brought me both shoes (feet) to try on they were totally different colours.
I was gutted but thought I could have a go a dying them!  I was expecting to pay the £30.00 that they were priced at but I was delighted when I was told they were just £9.00 my 2 friend who thought I was completely nuts for even thinking about wasting my time with them were ever so jealous. Original price was £95.00.

What do you think?? I really wish I had taken some before picture so you could see the difference.

Not bad £9.00 for the shoes & £5.00 for the dye.

If you are thinking of doing some home dying you can only go darker and be sure you are happy with the colour as there is no going back.